My skin journey….first update #ad #gifted

Skin update!

If you have been following along on my Instagram page (I’m active daily over on there) for a little while then you will know I have been getting very fed up with my skin lately. I have always had acne to a certain extent but I’d go as far as to say that it’s got worse as I have got older rather than better! With the wedding next year I think this has given me the motivation to actually do something about my skin for good! 🤞🏻 Some days/weeks are better than others but at the time I went for my first skin treatment at Highcare Beauty, my skin was having one of its worst days 🙈 My skin was broken out, sore, inflamed and pretty angry with me! I don’t help myself to be honest, I try one product for a few days and expect miracles and when that doesn’t happen I try something else. Being a beauty blogger with lots of samples to try (as nice as that is) makes it even worse! And I wear a full coverage makeup most days too and let’s face it, I definitely don’t drink enough water. 🙈 I just wanted someone to take me under their wing and sort me out! 🤣 Luckily for me I met Christine Patterson Makeup at the previous Quirky wedding fair I had been at and got talking firstly about make up and then about skin. She was pretty sure she could help me out and I have to say that her enthusiasm was very contagious! A few months later we got back in touch and Christine invited me in for a complimentary Weyergans detox facial to see what I thought. Obviously I wanted to give this a fair go so I purchased the accompanying Weyergan’s skincare (pictured) to try and maintain a good routine. I used these products religiously day and night. That’s right, no wipes, no sleeping in my makeup….a proper routine! Who even am I anymore?!

To be honest Weyergans is not a company I had heard of before, but it’s a global brand and Highcare beauty on the Beersbridge road, Belfast are the first salon offering their treatments in Northern Ireland.

There are various treatments available for numerous things but for me Christine recommended the iono-jet detox facial.

A little about the iono-jet technology for nerds like me:

This is a new innovative technology that utilises oxygen enriched plasma, in turn providing a high quality facial treatment. The iono-jet ‘gun’ applies special serums containing peptides, vitamins and plant based active ingredients at high pressure enabling them to penetrate deep into the many layers of the skin. For me the main thing is that the treatment is non-invasive and pain free with….wait for it…..NO downtime!

I visited the salon 18 days later for another facial (not gifted but I did receive discount, just to be transparent!) as I’m going away to the sun in a few weeks and so this was the best time to go back. In the 18 days I think I had two new spots arrive…..for me this is unheard of. I was literally getting at least one new spot every day before! My skin was congested and dull. If you look below you will see what my skin looked like on the first visit and what it looked like 18 days later. Although I still have what looks like spots, mostly these are scars, in the first photo these areas were sore and active. So I’m not saying I’m cured, far from it but I definitely see a difference! My skin FEELS better not only from the inside But to touch it feels smoother and there is definitely less texture. I think too that my complexion has improved as well as the overall tone.

A few times a week I use a revival mask (also pictured) but daily I cleanse, tone and moisturise in the morning and at night. I think I would feel weird if I didn’t follow my little routine now and I NEVER thought I’d say that as I love my sleep too much and normally I wouldn’t have spent so long prepping my skin. I think seeing results so quickly has really spurred me on to keep up my routine also!

Who knows, maybe if I had used any routine so religiously then I would have seen an improvement but I really do believe the detox facials have been imperative to the course of treatment and the skincare feels as though it’s helping that along.

Like I said, this is only two weeks in. I plan to continue with my skincare routine, I’m going to take it on holiday and see what my skin is like on our return. If necessary I will re-visit the salon for another facial at some point but for now I am happy so let’s see how this goes!

Big shout out to Christine Patterson Makeup and High care beauty for gifting me my first facial and for the very generous discount thereafter. Much appreciated 😘

Check out Christine for skincare and makeup on Instagram:

And the salon:

Thanks for reading,




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