Red Cameo London – Nail wrap review

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying the festive period and have your Christmas shopping done? If not then how about this last minute gift for that lady in your life – instant nail art!

Red Cameo London have just launched their new range of instant nail art in the form of nail wraps! I was kindly invited to try out this new concept and report back to you guys, so here it is!

Everything you need to apply your nail wraps is contained in this box. Firstly I like the sleek packaging and how neatly everything is contained.

Inside you will find the LED lamp, nail wraps and your clear gel top coat to finish off the look!

My kit came with a few different nail wrap variations to try! I of course was drawn to the sparkle! I had a formal event the next day so I thought these glittery silver nails would be perfect but first I wanted to see how they worked…without ruinning this set! So instead I had a play around with a gold glitter version which was included to practice on…great idea!

As you can see, the lamp is tiny! But perfectly formed 🤣 It does exactly what you need without being bulky and it folds up so that it’s flat and easy to store. I absolutely love the lamp, it’s genius. I just tried the practice nail wraps on my little finger as I have no patience and couldn’t wait to get started properly! Surprisingly it was much easier than I expected! You simply select the nail wrap that fits your nail and the stick it on, file away the excess on the edge and apply the clear gel top coat to finish! Easy! The only ‘difficult’ bit is selecting the wrap you are going to use for each nail. It’s not difficult really but a little time consuming. I highly recommend laying them all out BEFORE you start so you know which wrap to apply to which nail. Similar to how you would apply fake nails really! I found the nail wraps to be a good size for my nails but I know this will very from person to person. I found I had to trim one to fit my ring finger but it came with scissors and it couldn’t have been easier.

I won’t lie, I didn’t expect the wraps to stick well. I was comparing them in my head to nail art stickers and previous ‘at home’ DIY gel nail kits, which for me have never been successful. They always look good initially but never last longer than a day, making nail polish a much better option for me. I always have something on my nails, I just don’t feel fully dressed unless I do so I am always on the look out for new inventions like this!

Much to my delight the nail wrap worked! So I applied the clear gel top coat and left it under the LED lamp to cure. I could not believe the finish and how shiny my nails were! If you have ever tried painting glitter nail varnish on you will know how 1. It is hard to get an even coating and 2. It is an absolute bugger to get it off so I was delighted with how professional it looked. I would discover how well it came off later!

The next day, the nails were looking just as good as ever and perfect timing for my event.

The event came and went and still the nails remained. In fact I had the glitter nail wraps on for 2 full weeks! With barely any sign of wear, only a sign of nail growth which is amazing! I was dying to take the wraps off to try another colour but I wanted to see how long they would last and for me, with using my hands daily, in work etc it was exactly two weeks before I seen any real sign of the nails starting to deteriorate.

How do you remove the nails I hear you ask? Well that’s the best bit! Simply find the edge of the wrap and simply peel it! That’s right, no need for another salon visit to get the nails soaked off, just peel it! And even better than that….NO nail damage at all! Just healthy nails, ready for their next wrap! Amazing! Not gonna lie, it is sooo satisfying to peel the wraps off (see below) 🤣

When working in a hospital like myself, gel nails aren’t always ideal so the fact you can peel this off with ease at home and simply apply them again when I’m off work for example is a total game changer!

The ONLY downside I found with the wraps is perhaps the variation of styles available but I’m sure due to this being a new product that this will expand over time.

The lamp itself is priced at £19.99

The clear gel top coat is £15.99

And the wraps vary in price but are around £8.99-£9.99

Once you have the lamp and the gel top coat you just need the wraps so it’s basically under £10 for each manicure which is amazing! Without having the expense and hassle of booking appointments you can do your own in the comfort of your home whenever suits YOU!

The kit I received is currently available for £44.99 which includes 3 sets of wraps. A great starter kit!

I know this post is designed to showcase the nail wraps but I have since used the gel top coat and lamp over the top of regular nail varnish to create a DIY gel manicure….and it works! Just another amazing way to get value for money from this fab product. I suppose the only negative of this way is I wont be able to peel it off after as I haven’t used the wraps.

Does this sound like a product you would like to try? Let me know in the comments!

Check out to see more!

Thanks for reading,

Emz xx

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